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Creating a Wedding Color Palette

One of the most fun parts about the early stages of wedding planning includes creating a custom color palette for your big day! Your wedding colors are an expression of who you are as a couple, and they set the mood for your entire wedding.

If you’ve been around here for any amount of time, you’ll know that we love color! We believe that incorporating bright, bold, and fun tones is one of the best ways to add personality to your wedding day.

This blog post is for anyone who is newly engaged or has recently started planning their day. We’re going to do a deep dive into wedding colors: why you need them, where to use them, and our best tips for creating the perfect palette. 

Let’s take a walk through the process!

Before You Decide on Anything…

Consider what season your wedding takes place in. There’s definitely no hard and fast rule, but it’s sometimes helpful to try and coordinate your colors with the time of year. Think of fun and unexpected ways to use seasonal tones.

Take into account the architectural elements of your venue. Is your venue a relaxed, outdoor location? Put together colors that will complement the natural greenery, like soft floral tones. Or if your venue feels modern and classy, think about rich, sophisticated colors.

Keep in mind the mood you want for your wedding. One of the biggest ways to set the tone for your ceremony and reception is through the colors you choose. As you decide what palette you like best, think about what kind of experience you’re going for.

Tips for Creating a Color Palette

Start with colors that you love. Keep your palette simple by letting one or two hues take center stage. These can be as bright or dilute as you want them to be, but they will become the primary colors in your palette.

Add in complementary colors. Work around the main colors you chose to keep your palette looking cohesive. The ultimate goal is to not overwhelm your wedding design with too many different shades, so try to limit yourself to five colors in total.

Use physical swatches to compare colors. It’s not always easy to get a good grasp of what a color really looks like through a screen. We love using actual color swatches to mix and match potential palette combinations. Having physical examples of your colors is so helpful throughout the planning process as well.

Where Can Wedding Colors Be Used?

In the clothing of the couple and the wedding party. Whether it’s bridesmaid dresses or the bride’s coordinating exit dress, wedding day attire is a great way to incorporate colors from your palette. Provide each member of your wedding party with physical swatches of the shades you want them to wear.

Throughout the decorations and details. Elements like table linens, floral arrangements, and invitations are all perfect places to bring in your color palette. The beauty of this process is you get to decide how much color to incorporate into the physical aspects of your big day.

Through our years in the wedding and event planning industry, we’ve learned that color is one of the trends that comes and goes the quickest. When you’re creating a palette, it’s okay to use trends, but what’s more important is making sure your wedding feels true to you. 

In the world of wedding colors, there’s really no right or wrong answer. That can be both freeing and overwhelming, which is why we’re always happy to assist you as much as possible. Color palette design is one of our favorite parts of planning a wedding, and we’d love to help you get started!